September 16, 2017

Three days...

It's been three days now since I woke up "with that feeling".
Three days since I called my doctor's office and they told me to go to emerg.
Three days since I waited for what seemed like forever to see a doctor.
Three days since I had all those tests.
Three days since the doctor came and sat on the end of the bed and said that I was indeed having a miscarriage...

3 days.... and yet my life didn't stop, couldn't stop -- I have a 18 month old to care for.

My boss was so gracious, and told me not to come in the rest of the week. I am so thankful for that!

I went out the day after to pick up laundry detergent because I figured I could at least do some laundry while I was at home.
          I got in the car, I was fine.
          I drove to the store, and I was fine.
          I stepped out of the car, and my heart stopped for a moment...
          I walked into the store, and my breath caught....

The world was going on as normal, but mine felt like it was going slow motion. No one knew what was going on inside, not only physically but emotionally. No one knew by looking at me.

And it hit me, we REALLY have no idea what silent battles people are going through!! The statement, "Be nice to people because you have no idea what battles they're facing" became true to me in a new way.

I have had my moments over the last few days, which I give myself permission to have. And I know I will continue to have my moments, and I hope you will be gracious with me as I do, but I do truly hope and pray that this helps me become a better human being -- that I would be kinder to people because I don't know what kind of day/situation they're coming from, and maybe my smile could make their day just that much better.

And maybe you will take this challenge too, and not be too quick to judge, or offer that snide remark because maybe you could brighten someone's day!

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